Leadership And Team Building Workshop

An Experiential Learning and Team Building Workshop

This team building and experiential learning workshop takes one away from the familiar environment and places them into an environment of experimentation. Therefore this allows participants to be challenged, to think about and experiment with new concepts, and to take some risks (calculated).

In this way the workshop is much about reflecting on setbacks and disappointments as it can be on success.

Learning to reinforce the comfort zone concept

Every one has a comfort zone within which they operate. The programme often takes the participant outside of this zone. Whilst one could say that the key to personal growth and increasing success in nearly every endeavor will be the willingness to step outside of one’s comfort zone the way that this workshop will deliver freedom of choice and risks means that learners remain in control of the learning process.


Team building

The workshop will be a systematic process designed to improve working relationships and team functioning such as problem solving, decision making and conflict resolution that will enable the students to overcome any goal blocking barrier. For many this result orientated mission will be the real purpose for team building.

Importance of team building

This work shop will simply create harmonious work groups but primarily because it will formalize the power of collaboration among what otherwise might be disenfranchised individuals. For many the programme will be a way to blend talents, skills and inherent creativity of diverse participants. With collaboration at its heart team building will bring out team skills, time and resources for their benefit.


  1. Task Achievement – teams will not be designed for dealing with simple, repetitive tasks, as individuals will generally be quicker. However, the programme comes into its own when faced with complex tasks, and associated problems, where probably there is no single, correct answer.
  2. Quality of Decisions – teams will generate more ideas than any one individual therefore, it has the choice of many possibilities before it and the ultimate quality of the decision is likely to be better than an individual’s decision.
  3. Accuracy of Decisions – judgments will be far better through team building than through individual assessment of tasks that involve random error because team deliberation tends to purge ill-conceived notions and weak individual thinking.
  4. Risk taking – it has been shown that team building creates confidence to take greater, but measured, risks than individuals would.
  5. Motivation – the program will enhance morale and spur individuals on to perform effectively at a higher level.

Team building goals

  1. Clarification of mission and vision
  2. Establishment of team members roles and responsibilities
  3. Faster start up for new teams or teams with new leaders
  4. Mechanisms for resolving conflict and elimination of dysfunctional behaviors
  5. An appreciation of differences in work styles and preferences

Team Building Process

The task of team building in the course will be first to establish what the team was established to achieve. The team building process therefore will consist of all the things which go to make up how the team goes about achieving the task, and what influences it whilst doing so.

There are many aspects to this workshop and here are a few:

  • The team building structure – there will be around ten to twelve members in a team because in a large team it is difficult to get a reasonably fair discussion going. In a small team there might be a series of silences.
  • The nature of the individuals – Differences in personality and mood will often show up during team building – some participants will not seem to stop talking whilst others may keep quiet, and others try to act as umpires or referees.

A key to the workshop is that of creating a shared vision but that takes time and will require the full participation of all. The team members will have to have a personal vision and confidence to build a strong team otherwise the tasks will seem difficult if not untenable.


The essence of this programme is that the members of the team, work well together either as a group from the outset or initially simply compliment each other as individuals in which case the team building process will progress smoothly. The potential compatibility of any particular individual with the rest of the team will be critically important for the team to succeed.

Participants will need to understand and learn the skills that will make effective team building possible.


Level of Physical Fitness:

The roles and opportunities are designed for the participants based on our belief that any conditions during the simulation should be such that they do not prevent the participant

from getting involved in the exercise. After all the actual roles do not prevent the participant from performing in their work place, so should not on the program either.